Real Estate Notes 101

Investing in Real Estate Notes – A Case Study (Video)

The Power of Notes

Let’s talk about the three possible outcomes when investing in real estate notes – (hint: you win no matter the outcome!)…either the homeowner (lendee) will pay as agreed, payoff early, or they will fail to pay.

When you buy a mortgage note, you are the lender to that homeowner. They have made a promise to pay upon signing a promissory note to make monthly payments back to you by a certain date.

After viewing this video, you will see how powerful investing in real estate notes can be when it comes to wealth creation!

In our example, the terms are the following:

Market Value: $110,000

Loan Balance: $80,500

Monthly Payment: $477.42

Remaining Term: 249 Payments

Loan to Value: 73%

Interest Rate: 4%  (30yr fixed)

Original Loan: $100,000

Discount Buy Price: $57,500

There Are 3 Possible Outcomes

Pay As Agreed

Monthly Payment: $477.42

(x) Remaining Payment: 249

Total Payback:  $ 118,877.58

8.10% Yield

Pay Off Early

Monthly Payment: $477.42 (x) 60 mnths

Total Payments:  $28,645.20

Payoff Balance: $66,637.77

Total Payback:  $95,282.970

12.28% Yield

Failure to Pay

Monthly Payment: $477.4 (x) 60 mnths

Total Payments:  $28,645.20

Foreclose & Sell: $102,000

Total Payback:  $130,645.20

19.28% Yield