Real Estate Notes 101

Struggling Wholesalers to Thriving Note Investors – Our Story

Becoming a note investor is a journey that is both exciting and challenging. It requires a unique set of skills, determination, and the willingness to take risks. As a couple, we’ve been through this journey together, and we can attest to the fact that it is not for everyone, but if you have a vision and a passion, then it can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life.

Our Story

Donya Molock (Co-founder): Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be my own boss. I was fascinated by the idea of creating something from scratch and being in control of my own destiny. Freedom has always been one of my top values. However, I didn’t know where to start or what kind of business I wanted to build. It wasn’t until I started reading books such as the Robert Kiyosaki book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, that I realized I had a passion for entrepreneurship and investing. It was my ah-ha moment. Entrepreneurship would provide me with the freedom, the constant problem-solving, and the thrill of building something new I always dreamed of. Later, I became a nurse and put those dreams on hold. In 2008, I took a real estate investing course and first learned about note investing. At that time, note investing was in its infancy for the general public. In hindsight, I was young, in my 20s, lacked maturity, and I was not quite ready to dive into the note world.

Campbell Cobb (Co-Founder): I also wanted to work independently as my own boss growing up. I was intrigued by the idea of generating long term passive income, working for myself and not being subjected to relying on social security as I got older. Though I had to put my dreams on as well because of school and work. After obtaining a degree in accounting, an MBA, several years of working in government contracting, and working as real estate wholesaler, I decided it was time to start a business that enabled me to earn passive cash flow. Fast forward to 2016, we decided it was time to take the leap and start a business doing real estate wholesaling. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we were ready for the challenge. We were moderately successful as wholesalers. But the problem we found with this business model was that it was not the passive income we were seeking. It was too active of an investment. Hunting for potential buyers and sellers became a full-time job. Plus, we didn’t have ownership of the properties. We were the middlemen, so we dissolved the business and put real estate investing aside and went back to our respective careers.

Enter Mortgage Note Investing

In 2022, we decided to get back into the investing game. We were searching the internet to get back into our original goal of note investing and came across a YouTube video and found a mentor in Desi Arnaz. NoteTerra Capital was born!

Finally, we settled on the idea of creating a sustainable business and brand. We were passionate about investment and saw an opportunity to create a business that aligned with our values of helping other people build wealth. We spent the next few months developing a business plan, researching the market, and building our business infrastructure.

Ours Highs and Lows as Note Investors

Running a business is a constant challenge, and there were many obstacles along the way. We had to learn how to manage cash flow, market our brand, and deal with unexpected setbacks.

One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned as entrepreneurs is the importance of perseverance. It took us 3 times and 15 years to make our business work.  There were times when we felt like giving up, but we kept pushing forward. We learned to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to never let setbacks stop us from pursuing our goals.

Another key lesson was the importance of building a strong team. We quickly realized that we couldn’t do everything on our own and that we needed a team of talented and dedicated people to help us grow our business.  We learned to delegate tasks and to trust our team members to take ownership of their roles.

As our business has grown, we also had to learn how to balance work and personal life, especially being a married couple. Being entrepreneurs can be all-consuming, and it’s important to make time for things outside of work. We learned to prioritize self-care and to make time for family and friends.

Looking back on our journey, we are grateful for all the challenges and obstacles we faced. They taught us valuable lessons and helped us grow as people and business owners.

Today, our business is thriving, and we are proud of the impact it has had on the lives of our customers.

If you’re thinking about becoming note investor, our advice would be to take the leap and go for it!